Virtual Pilates Workshops Winter/Spring - 1 (734) 340-4691 or [email protected]Next Workshop October 7 1-3pm Massage Therapy Balls
Workshop Descriptions
Foot Rehab In this workshop you’ll introduce yourself to the bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments in your feet. We will move, stretch, and strengthen all of them. We'll also touch on footwear and how it affects our feet and movement patterns.
Gait Patterns What if walking could be more enjoyable, beneficial and wellness-producing for you? You’ll find out how many body parts should be involved in walking and why. This workshop offers a solution to get your gait pattern back on track.
Foot and Gait Combo This workshop brings the foot and gait workshops together. Will look in-depth at our feet movements and how they connect with our gait. We'll foot and gait connect and pull it all together.
Shoulder Rehab This workshop will give you the tools and resources that are essential from your shoulders to your fingers. Join me as we break up the motions of the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and shoulder blades. Will bring connections to these areas to help reduce tension, stuck stress and arthritis pain in the finger joints.
Functional Movement Fitness Change how you move because Movement Matters. In one hour you'll have the skills that will allow you to change and dramatically improve how you move in every aspect of your daily life. There are 7 basic movement patterns that are natural for our bodies to do every single day. Join me and start moving better and more often because Movement Matters.
Pilates Mobility This workshop will guide you through each move and help you build a better understanding of your Mind & Body connections. The class focuses on alignment & posture, building movement awareness with a blend of natural movements. Modifications are given to all levels as you build the fundamentals of Pilates & National movement patterns.
Align your Spine This workshop will look in-depth at how our movement patterns and non-movement patterns have an affect on our posture and alignment. Gaining knowledge and a practical understanding of the relationship between your spine and your movement patterns, will also address the importance of flexion free exercises, postural stance and skeletal alignment that will bring greater efficiency to your daily movements.
Osteoporosis Master Class for Buff Bones (Spine) This workshop will give you bone building moves for your osteopenia or osteoporosis. We will cover weight bearing exercises, plyometrics, resistance training, and balance moves, to give us a better understanding of our movement patterns. The workshop offers an in-depth look at body awareness, posture, and even nutrition, to help us maintain healthy bones. Osteoporosis isn’t a certain age or a full body disease, it’s only in certain areas throughout the spine. So let’s build the muscles, bones, your alignment and posture back to where it needs to be.